Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Car parking

Lots pf people complain about the parking system at the hospital. To have to pay in advance when visiting a hospital where the wait is so uncertain such as A&E is highly irritating. Even though it is possible to top up that is difficult if you are waiting in a clinic and do not wish to miss your turn. The previous system of paying on exit was infinitely better.

The hospital executive is aware of the complaints and nobody I have met likes the new arrangement. It came about because the delay in obtaining a ticket at the entrance and the time for the barrier then to rise used to cause long tail backs on Egerton Road and blocked the way to the Research Park.

The hospital has long wanted to build a multi-storey car park but the Borough and County Councils have repeatedly refused planning permission on the grounds that it would encourage more cars in to the area. I have to say that is hardly consistent with the Councils recently granting themselves planning permission for a Park and Ride car park between Egerton Road and the A3 which doubtless will overload the new junction being built. Hopefully the new lanes will avoid hindering patient access.

The Councils really should recognise the urgent need for a multi storey car park in the hospital grounds.