Merger note on an Electronic Patient Record/digital hospital
Having an Electronic
Patient Record across both hospitals has been billed as a substantial benefit
of the merger of the Royal Surrey and Ashford and St Peters. This blog seeks to
help understanding of the extent to which it will be realised, when, and its
cost and benefits
A digital hospital
A merger project is
considering the broader matter of how to achieve a digital hospital within
which a fully (or partially) paperless electronic patient record would be part.
It will include electronic communications with outside bodies e.g. GPs. It will
facilitate immediate access to accurate and comprehensive information for all a
patient’s carers in the merged Trust and allow electronic communication with
GPs and other carers e.g. community clinicians.
To date
Systems in USA have been seen albeit they are
generally, at their core, billing systems and very complex and expensive to
adapt to UK NHS practice.· A baseline review has been completed of systems in use in both Trusts
· workshops involving large numbers of clinicians have been held.
The way forward has been
· Each Trust uses different systems and in the first 12 months after merger the best of each will be installed across both e.g. a very good system comprising a simple electronic patient record is in use in St Peters.
· In the first 2 years of merger harmonisation and documentation of core processes (administrative and clinical) will be achieved. This is an essential and very difficult first step for implementing any IT (IT is generally not very flexible and needs to be told what the process is and then demands that everybody abides by it or, alternatively, the chosen IT is already built on the basis of standard processes and everyone has to adapt). Achieving this in one Trust which is used to its processes is difficult enough – doing so across two merging Trusts is very challenging (but necessary irrespective of IT).
· After the above has been achieved there will be a better understanding of how to progress to a digital hospital.
It will thus be two years
after merger before any proposal on to how to proceed to realising a fully digital
hospital will be formulated and a full business case with costs and time lines
produced. Costs could be around £10million or more.
In the first two years of
merger harmonisation of existing systems and of clinical and administrative
process will be the focus. Whereas the ambition will be to create a digital
paperless merged Trust, it will be at the earliest 2 years after merger before
the way forward will be determined and a Full Business Case with cost and time
lines produced for approval.
Does this need a merger?
A merger is not necessary
to achieve a digital Royal Surrey - the hospital would need to achieve that in
the future anyway since it is presently somewhat behind the pack. However
merger will release funds which would make a digital hospital feasible in a
shorter time frame and it is expected (albeit without substantiation) that
costs will be smaller if spread across two hospitals rather than one.