Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Change of Chief Executive

At the end of this month Nick Moberley the current Chief Executive will leave to take up the post of Chief Executive of Kings College Hospital. He has been an excellent leader who has always been immediately available to governors. He will be missed.

Because of the proposed merger it is intended to have an interim Chief Executive to act until the merger is complete (if it happens of course). The proposal is that Peter Dunt the current Chairman of the Board should take up the post. This will have a knock on affect for the Board and plans are being laid to deal with that.

The current time table is that the final Full Business Case for the merger will be put to the Council of Governors 26 November. As chair of the governors Merger Working Group I am arranging for governors to have the opportunity to see and comment on it before it goes to Monitor (the body which oversees Foundation Trusts). Monitor will undertake a risk assessment. If they see little risk then all will steam ahead. If Monitor see significant or considerable risks then all will slow or even stop. Assuming Monitor s clears the case a resolution to merge will be put to a Council Of Governors in May next year. If governors approve then the complicated processes of actually merging will be set in train.