Thursday, 29 March 2018

An electronic health record for everybody in Surrey.

 As a Royal Surrey Governor representative I attend the so-called stakeholder group for the Surrey Heartlands Transformation Programme. The latter is a collaboration between all the key players in the area including the Royal Surrey. It will be making a substantial impact on many aspects of health care. One project worth mentioning at this time is the intention to create an electronic health record for all residents of Surrey. It will start by drawing data from GP systems and then expand out to other care providers. Plans are in hand to send information to all households and will include the option to opt out.

Restricting over-the-counter prescribing

NHS England has launched a public consultation on reducing prescribing of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for minor, short-term health concerns which could save the NHS £136 million a year and encourage more people to self care. A list of 33 minor health concerns has been identified by a national joint clinical working group which are either self-limiting or suitable for self-care. Vitamins/minerals and probiotics have also been included as items of low clinical effectiveness which are of high cost to the NHS. To see the list and participate in the consultation follow the link below:

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Community Services update

On 17 March the Royal Surrey will formally take over from Virgin Care the running of Adult Community Health Services in Guildford and Waverley. It will be a great challenge but presents many exciting opportunities not least of which is to have care pathways which extend from acute care at the Royal Surrey right in to Community care including Haslemere and Milford hospitals.

Staff employed by Virgin Care will transfer back in to the NHS as employees of the Royal Surrey. When Procare, the federation of 90% of GPs in the area, is ready and recognised as a qualified supplier of health services, district  nursing and community matron service staff will become employees of Procare  who will be under contract to the Royal Surrey. This will create a direct link between district nursing and GP services with many possible advantages.

The existing Royal Surrey Board and thus Governors such as myself will oversee these community services in addition to the Royal Surrey as now. Big change in scope!