Thursday, 24 May 2018

Results of Care Quality Commission inspection

In January and February the Care Quality Commission (CQC) comprehensively inspected the Royal Surrey as they do with all hospitals. I am delighted to say that the hospital has been rated as ‘Outstanding’ in two areas with an overall rating of Good with not a single area requiring improvement.

The inspection team looked at the quality of four core services: maternity, gynaecology, medical care including oncology, and outpatients and then assessed the impact of these four on the overall domain scores in safe, effective, caring, and responsive. They also looked specifically at leadership and management to answer the question: Is the trust well led?   

They evaluated the Royal Surrey as ‘Outstanding’ in being responsive to people’s needs and in maternity services, and judged as ‘Good’ outpatients, gynaecology and medicine including oncology. So the hospital is ‘Good’ for caring, is effective and safe and well led.

The maternity department was seen to be innovative in providing person-centred care that involved other service providers: staff were energetic and ambitious, responsive to patients’ requests and made adjustments where possible for patients’ with specific individual needs.

Outpatients department was also credited as having strong, clear leadership: well managed and well-led.  The overall environment and dementia-friendly decoration and signage were commended.

Finally inspectors agreed that the Trust is well led with an open and honest culture throughout the organisation. Staff described the Trust as a happy, supportive workplace.

Well done the Royal Surrey.

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