Monday, 3 May 2021

 Now that the hospital is coming out of lockdown there's more to report on. 

Anybody who has visited the hospital in the last months will have noticed the new-build 20-bed Guildford Borough Ward created to deal with Covid patients (which it still does) but is now a wonderful addition to the hospital particularly for patients needing to be isolated. 

Although still requiring the wearing of masks and restrictions on visitors, wards taken over by Covid patients are being returned to normal.

It would be great to report that staff are no longer under pressure but that's not so. Everybody is trying hard to catch up on procedures and operations which were cancelled during the height of the pandemic and the long waiting lists that resulted. How fortunate we are to have such dedicated people looking after us. One consequence of Covid is that over half of outpatient 'appointments' were conducted remotely particularly of course follow-ups. I wonder what patients think of this because this way of working will continue. I am told that many welcome  telephone appointments particularly where, for example,  it just confirms that all is OK e.g. normal blood tests. Not having to find a parking place and sit around in outpatients is very welcome! Talking of parking the hospital has been consulting on its proposed multi-storey car park. Its proposals have been widely welcomed and a planning application to Guildford Borough is in the offing. I hope the public will give it its full support.

The success of virtual outpatient appointments has led to the concept of patient-led follow-ups. Instead of patients being given, for example, a follow-up appointment every say 3 months patients will be left to request an appointment as and when they feel it is necessary. This will mean many patients will not have to come in to the hospital just to be told all is well when the patient is confident in that knowledge already. The concept needs careful assessment since it will not suit all circumstances and some patients may not be comfortable.  Evaluation is now underway in a few clinics where it might best suit. 

One of the hospital's great achievements during these difficult times has been maintaining cancer treatments including cancer surgery. In particular its surgery robots were moved in to a Covid-free area so as to be able to continue this amazing surgery unaffected by Covid. The Royal Surrey is internationally renowned for its robotic surgery which carries great benefits to patients e.g. in cancer surgery. There is less trauma and much quicker recovery. The surgical team has  been shortlisted for a Health Service Journal award (not the first award for these amazing surgeons).

Finally we should recognise the terrific efforts staff made in the Royal Surrey Vaccination Centre. As one of the first major centres in the country it involved volunteers not just from the staff but also across the wider community. Since early December last year it delivered 19,000 first doses and 17,000 second doses. Well done all.

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